Monday, October 19, 2015

Haters Gonna Hate

 Okay. So today I have been totally insulted on my own Twitter page. I've been called stupid,old,pitiful and told to shut up because I expressed an opinion on my own page about a Jensen and Misha panel. I actually had someone say this and I quote it :"Grown women who are like 40 with fan accounts are so terrifying like what did you do to come to this point this isn't even your generation". So First I do not have a fan account. I have a personal account. And not my generation? Excuse me but the Winchester boys aren't teenagers. Dean is 36 and Sam 32. Jensen is 37 and Misha is 41.Mark is fifty one. This is not a teenybopper show. Never has been. The major demographic of fans is  28-45 year old women. It's not fair to say someone can't be a fan if they are not twenty something. For the record I have seen plenty of 60 something women in photo ops online.
Today Twitter has been full of Sam and Jared hate and all of it I've seen is from people who claim they are die hard Jensen fans. Ok. You can't seriously think he'd approve of someone hating on his co-star and best friend? Maybe some people aren't aware that might be hurtful to Jensen and God forbid Jared. You don't have to like someone but to publically hate on them is not what family would do. I have been so happy in fandom until recently. Why is there this need every time the new season starts the hate starts? I have had some really ugly things said to and about me today and I didn't tag any one but Creation on my initial tweet. I was told by a Cockackles fan to shut up.  I was called presumptuous because I said "no one's a bigger fan than me"  when what I meant was not that literally. I eat sleep and breathe Supernatural. I love Dean Winchester so much his death and resurrection as a demon made me physically ill and I may never get completely over it. I love Jensen Ackles more than life itself. But I can't stand the hate. Why does everything lately relate to Cas and Dean? The show is the brothers. Cas is a nice secondary character. He isn't Dean's brother or his lover. He's a close friend, an ally  but Sam is Dean's significant other and no one else can be. It's who he is. He would pick Sam over John. And that's true. But in digressing I lose my point. I shouldn't be attacked on my own page. People in this fandom seem to love arguing. It's exhausting. I feel like curling up in a ball and crying because I feel like I got jumped by a whole gang. I don't think Jensen would like  fans being mean to fans. I fought back. I did. Because I felt attacked. And just think if someone as secure in their Supernatural love as I am feels this way how does this affect people much more fragile? Serious damage can be done with words y'all. Everyone wants the last say. Jensen and Jared give way too much of themselves. They are nice to people who say horrible things all over social media about them and their show and they just don't know. I guess I couldn't stand there hugging Jensen and feel right if I called Jared trash and unimportant and a liar and an attention who're because the main man in my world loves him a hell of a lot. I couldn't take the chance he'd see my tweets somehow and feel less about me. Jared is an awesome guy who gives way too much to his fans. He's also SamFucking Winchester to Jensen's Dean and that's Supernatural folks. The brothers. I think I might have lost some faith in the SPNFamily today. I am sorry I had as n opinion I guess regarding certain panel options but I didn't attack anyone until I felt fight or flight impulses. So I'm done. Excuse me while I go cry and let my hurt feelings heal. But there's one thing I want to leave you with. MY generation DOES love this show and these men and we are all walks of life and what brought us here is the same as any teenager or twenty something. It changed our lives and made us happier. So.

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