Thursday, April 30, 2015

FanGirling Over the Writers...and Misha (and of course Those fabulous Brothers!)

I woke up to my TL full of hate for last night's episode. I was
a little confused because even tho I wasn't ever a  big
Claire fan I found myself loving this episode. What's
NOT to love watching Dean Winchester play mini golf?
That aside I think I understand that people are upset to
upset that Dean said Cas saved the world? I am sure since
Robbie tweeted it was so that it was implied he helped to save it.
After all, we all know the Apocalypse was stopped by
"two boys, a fallen angel and an old drunk." Sam was the
one who made the sacrifice but they all helped. What I
find the most disturbing is that I keep reading comments about
Misha's acting being terrible. Now if you don't like a
character you can say I don't like Cas or John or whoever.
But to say something about a person that's so openly eide
and hurtful is wrong. Misha is a talented actor
And a very decent human being who has overcome a
great many obstacles other people wouldn't have been as
successful or as giving after. Then there's the ugly tweets to Robbie.
Robbie is a great writer who has been involved in the show
for a long time.  I've tried to be nice here but seriously?
Fans are NOT writers. They do NOT decide what's canon or
what gets written. Mean tweeting to the writers will NOT get you
what you want whether it's Destiel or more of an arc for Sam or
Dean or whatever. What it WILL do sooner or later
is our writers will leave social media and we will be like
any other show that gets no information from anyone. Do we want that? I don't.

Y'all haters pushed Adam away last year.Robbie was really classy
last nite about the hate. When you have a show that's lasted
as long as Supernatural, there will be little things
that don't always line up. In In the Beginning John was a mechanic from a family of mechanics and was told to say hi to his dad.Now I doubt very seriously in his wildest of dreams that bookish, adorable, MOL
Henry Winchester was a mechanic but no one screams Men of Letters aren't canon.
(I fix that in my mind by saying Milly must have remarried.)
As for more of a story for Sam..well I think y'all are getting it. And don't go
accusing me of not loving SAM because I do. And for the record
I don't like Demon Dean but it's part of the show and I am still
100% behind the writers. I think what people are missing here
from last night is that Dean was giving Claire something good
to hold on to. Which is very Dean. Thus very canon.  And let us not
forget the boys do love Cas. I was  blocked and hated on Twitter
once for saying this but it's true. Dean is the one who first called Cas
"family". If  Dean Winchester says it, it's canon enough for me.
Dean and Sam ARE the main relationship for each other but both
have deeply loved others. They will always choose each other so no one needs to worry.

I guess my point is as I have said before, watch it and be okay with it or...don't. If you want it changed to your head canon, write fan fic peeps.Lots of people, including me on occasion do. I think our writers, directors, producers and Jeremy deserve our utmost love and appreciation. THEY give us this wonderful experience known as Supernatural and have for a whole decade. We are the longest running Sci-Fi show ever and yes those boys are amazing actors but Dean and Sam are written for them by these writers. I personally want to go on record as fangirling over the production staff, especially the writers, the producers and Mr. Carver. And while I'm so much a Dean girl it's totes cray-cray to those around me, accolades to Misha. Because I love me some Team Free Will. I do.Remember y'all if the pretty boy angel hadn't raised him from Perdition, Sam would be lost, alone and have become God knows what and Dean, my precious baby would still be torturing souls in Hell. I'm pretty sure most of us don't want that to have been where it ended.the
 So thanks Robbie, Adam, all the other writers,Jeremy, Bob Singer and Jim Michaels and the production folks I can't name. You make my life just a little better by giving me the Winchesters.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Crushing Hate

   Okay. I love social media, particularly Twitter. I use it to communicate with friends, find out fandom facts and yes, to see pictures of J2 and their families. But there are pictures it's okay to see and pictures there aren't. Pictures you  go up to them and ask politely for are one thng, pictures they share are also great, pictures from a con you're at...awesome. But pictures you take paparazzi style in church, at playgrounds, restaurants and yes in funerals are not for public consumption. These are beautiful people who we all want to see. Ain't gonna lie y'all. The picture of the Ackles on Easter leaving church was precious. I saw it. Yes I looked at it. I didn't retweet it and I would never have taken or posted it. A new low to me tho is taking pictures at a funeral. I realize this girl was young and excited. I really fault the parent who took 30 pictures and sent them to her, making her think it was alright to post it. In the South we would would say that's not raising her right. I do not excuse others who used the pictures and weren't able to claim being a teenager as an excuse. I really feel that since Jensen and Danneel are such private people we as fans should respect that. He asked before JJ was born for us to be respectful and sensitive about pictures. They are generous to share often and so are Jared and Gen. 
    Which brings me to another subject I won't be as sweetly "southern" about. Hating on someone's baby is just wrong. Anyway you look at it. If you dare to do this you are NOT a fan. You are just an evil person. First off, that baby is gorgeous. She looks like her beautiful parents.So much like her daddy! She's a baby. Not even two yet and someone has the audacity to say things like about her that are so hateful?.  What the hell is wrong with someone if they would actually tag the child's parents with this crap? I woke up and saw all this. I do not know how it got on my TL...retweets and requests to block I suppose. I did block and report it. I literally broke down and cried over it. I hope other fans did too. The so called SPNantibullying account actually said PLEASE to these people about tagging the Ackles? How does that help? They are pretty much in my opinion allowing it to go on by doing this.You can't give these people an inch. Then they send out a plea to send positivity to Jensen and Danneel. Which I support.But how about a firm you are a hater, we are reporting you and asking fans to block you. They don't deserve our niceness. Or our asking them for anything.No second chances. Our boys and their beautiful families do not deserve any of this hate. I chalk it up to these people being jealous. That girl hating on Danneel a little while back saying Jensen needed some one as nice as her? Umm. No. If you hate on his girls, you don't deserve to lick his boots. I worship the ground this man walks on. I've never made a secret of my love for him and the character he plays. I hope that everyone out there who claims to be his fan wants him to be happy, to have his beautiful little family, that he keeps on sharing with us. The fact of the matter is he avoided Twitter etc for so long because of crap like this. Who would blame him if he just decided it wasn't worth it? There are people out there who are mean. Just plain mean. I've decided they are just unhappy with themselves and want everyone else unhappy too. Most of the fans are 100% supportive and the boys know this or they wouldn't give up 13 weekends a year away from their wives and kids to go to cons and be with us. I believe in the fandom as a whole. I do. I sincerely hope you will send them love today. Don't mention the hater. Just surround them with voices that say You're the best. Because they are. We are so lucky people. No other show out there has stars that care so much. Especially not the main characters. Have you considered that every single star that has been on the stage at a con says this is a family? EVERY SINGLE ONE. You don't treat your family bad. We can crush the hate . It's easy. Love our boys and their families today y'all. It'll make your Monday and theirs better.