Friday, February 19, 2016

In Support of Jensen and Misha And yes Jared Too So Don't Say It

  I have to say this. And I really could care less if I lose followers or get hate dms or get lambasted for not caring about AKF. I make no bones about the fact that I love Jensen Ackles with all my heart. I love him for more than his beautiful face. I love his beautiful soul even more. I am quite upset about the Jensen and Misha hate I am seeing all over social media. First of all Jensen and Misha whole heartedly supported Jared in Always Keep Fighting. Jensen lent his face to one of the shirts and put himself behind the project with the Pack fund. He did everything he could to help Jared last summer when he got tuckered out. He was the most proud person at Comic Con when Jared was honored. He is Jared's biggest fan. He has been quite vocal about how proud he is of what Jared has accomplished with Always Keep Fighting. Jensen is way more shy than Jared and if anything he tries to shy away from attention. Neither of these guys is an attention whores. They care more about their fans than anyone else in the business. All three of them. In Creation's defense they hear a lot of fan crisis things and their desire to help too is admirable. I do believe they could stop raising their prices. They make plenty. But to say Jensen sucks or that he's stealing something from Jared? That's plain wrong. Misha has had as hard a time as anyone growing up and while I admit that sometimes I get angry at his encouragement of Destiel...sorry don't ship but if you do it's fine...and his silliness I believe when it comes to fans  I think his heart is in the right place. All our guys are big hearted wonderful people who desire to make a difference. And not for themselves or any credit. For US. The fans. The folks they consider family. Fans are the ones who create the drama. Not the guys. Here's the truth though. If Jensen says Jared is involved, he is because Jensen would never lie to us. Ever. He is the most honorable person out there. I think any one hating on him or Misha needs to ask themselves if they want to help the family. Yes there's a contest but no one is making you buy a shirt. I think Jared is thankful for Jensen and Misha's help for spreading awareness and trying to get people what they need. These guys don't have to care about us. Do you know any other show where the stars do? I don't. But they DO care. A lot. So why are we whining and complaining and calling them out for loving us? It doesn't make sense and it's just plain mean. And it has nothing to do with the word family. Just saying.